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TC Electronic’s Flashback Delay Pedals Compared

Man demonstrating TC Electronic Flashback Delay pedal

TC Electronic produces numerous pedals beloved by guitarists, one notable series being the Flashback delay pedals. If you’d like to get your hands on one of the Flashback pedals but don’t know which one suits your needs, this guide is for you. Let’s go over each and discuss the differences between TC Electronic’s Flashback delay pedals.

Flashback Mini Delay

TC Electronic Flashback Mini Delay Guitar Effects Pedal

The smallest and simplest delay pedal in this series is the TC Electronic Flashback Mini. It features a simple three-knob layout with Delay, Feedback, and FX Level controls. However, where this pedal really shines compared to other delay pedals is the TonePrint feature. With TonePrint, you can upload different delay pedals directly to the Flashback Mini.

Does the Flashback Mini Delay suit me?

If you want a simple, compact, yet powerful delay pedal, you may want to consider the Flashback Mini. It packs a lot of punch into a tiny package, making it perfect for those who occasionally use delay. Even then, you’re not limited to one type of delay, thanks to TonePrint, which gives you access to a range of delay effects.

However, if you like switching between different delays, you’ll probably want to pick up a different pedal. The Flashback Mini doesn’t offer as great flexibility as the others in this lineup do.

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Flashback Delay

TC Electronic Flashback Delay TonePrint Series Guitar Effects Pedal

The Flashback Delay is the most popular in its family thanks to its size and capabilities. It features four control knobs, including Delay, Feedback, FX Level, and various preloaded delay types. And, of course, it comes with TonePrint installed so that you can import other delay effects.

Does the Flashback Delay suit me?

If you just wanted a bit more flexibility than the Flashback Mini offered, the Flashback Delay might be for you. This pedal is perfect for guitarists who switch between delay types on occasion, but if you want to change through presets quickly, you may want to consider one of the larger delay pedals.

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Flashback X4 Delay

TC Electronic Flashback X4 Delay & Looper Guitar Effects Pedal

At a glance, you know that the Flashback X4 delay pedal is quite different from the previous pedals. It features four footswitches instead of one and knobs for Delay Type, Delay Time, Feedback, Delay Level, and Looper Level.

Does the Flashback X4 Delay suit me?

The Flashback X4 Delay is suitable for live performers who need to switch between different delay times quickly. You can instantly change between other delay presets using a looper or the tap tempo feature with your feet. However, if you already have a looper or your delay needs are simple, the Flashback X4 may be excessive.


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Flashback Triple Delay

TC Electronic Flashback Triple Delay Guitar Effects Pedal

The Flashback Triple Delay allows you to play up to three different delays at the same time. So, unlike the previous pedals, the Triple Delay’s main appeal is the ability to layer delays on top of each other. You have the option to store the presets independently and turn them off and on while keeping them in sync with the tap tempo footswitch.

Does the Flashback Triple Delay suit me?

If you like the idea of stacking layers of delays and experimenting with the effects, the Flashback Triple Delay could be for you. However, if layering delays isn’t appealing to you, you have little reason to choose the Flashback Triple Delay over any previous pedals. It’s also worth noting that this pedal does not have a looper function, unlike the X4, so you would need a separate pedal if you wanted it.

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The Delay Pedal For Your Needs

By now, hopefully, you have a better understanding of the differences between the pedals in the TC Electronic Flashback series. If you would like to browse more guitar effects pedals, check out our extensive line of effects. 

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